2016.12.31 (Masterarbeit) Exploring Holacracy’s Influence on Social Sustainability Through the Lens of Adaptive Capacity

Diese Masterarbeit von drei schwedischen Studenten beschäftigt sich mit Holokratie.

The world is increasingly different from one day to the next, with levels of connectivity, complexity, uncertainty and change on a steady incline in contemporary society. Human interactions with the environment and the associated take-make-waste (Willard 2012) model of production and consumption highlight some key drivers of a social system that could fail to sustain itself through time. Unsustainability is often dominantly associated with the ecological impacts on the earth (Cuthill 2010; Dillard et al 2009) whereas social sustainability, has up until recently, not been equally explored (Boström 2012; Vifell and Soneryd 2013). Traditionally, as discussed in the literature, terms such as social capital and social cohesion have distinctly similar characteristics to what is now emerging as social sustainability. A study looking at the relationship between social capital and responses to climate change related issues, found that societies with higher levels of social capital, showed increased resilience when faced with environmental catastrophe (Adger 2003). Sustainability encompasses social and ecological domains, and because of their influence and interdependency on one another, they need to be addressed simultaneously.

Kontakt: Lewis Muirhead, Sarah Forrester-Wilson, Isaiah Archer / Download