2015.02.24 (Bachelorarbeit) Erstellung einer Ökobilanzierung anhand des Fallbeispiels Premium-Bier als Informationsgrundlage für die Reduktion von Umweltbelastungen im gesamten Produktlebensweg

Due to the increasing importance of sustainable development, ecological aspects of products are requested from the society. This bachelor thesis contains the creation of a life cycle assessment using the case study Premium-Bier to analyze the potential for the optimization of the product’s life cycle. A life cycle assessment is an investigation of the whole product including all steps from the raw material extraction up to its disposal. The aim is to get information about the manufacturing’s potential to reduce environmental burdens of Premium-Bier by analyzing all material and energy flows, which are inputs and outputs of the product system.
Premium-Bier by the commissioning company Premium, is produced in different steps, partially by sub-companies. Therefore, Premium has a gap of knowledge concerning environmental aspects of the end product. Due to that fact, Premium requested information about influencing factors of the product life cycle to generate knowledge about the environmental effects caused by Premium-Bier.
Throughout the study, the life cycle assessment of Premium-Bier showed great potential for optimization in the production phase. This is caused by the use of chromium steel for the crown corks and the energy intensive processes malting, brewing and bottling. Regarding the greenhouse gas emissions, the transportation process was identified as a great source.

Kontakt: Julia Möller / Download